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Raquel Bouso



Andre van der Braak



Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann


Josef Götz


John O Grady



John D'Arcy May


Elizabeth Harris



Martin Repp


Martin Rötting


Jacques Scheuer


Perry Schmidt-Leukel


Mathias Schneider


Fabian Völker


Janet Williams

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„Wir sehen jetzt durch einen Spiegel in einem dunklen Wort“.

„Wir sehen jetzt durch einen Spiegel in einem dunklen Wort“.
Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen, Pluralismus und die Sehnsucht nach Wahrheit.

Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann

Loccumer Protokolle 18/95, Rehburg-Loccum

Conference documentation of an international conference about Pluralist Theology of Religion and the Dialogue of Religions, about reality and the construction of reality, chaos and creativity, poetical truth and the use of metaphor in Science

After Pluralism

MayAfter Pluralism
Towards an Interreligious Ethic

John D'Arcy May

Do the religions cause war, or is their tendency to intensify violence outweighed by their potential for peace? Are multicultural societies, as Huntington thinks, condemned to ethnic conflict, or is a specifically interreligious ethic emerging from their new patterns of relationships? This book examines the liberal agenda of dialogue and pluralism and finds that we need a more radical approach involving indigenous peoples, women and the poor if we are to find solutions - together - to the problems of economic injustice and the threat of ecological degradation. It contains the Ethel Hayton Lectures delivered at the University of Wollongong, Australia, in 1994.

Meaning, Consensus and Dialogue in Buddhist-Christian Communication

MayMeaning, Consensus and Dialogue in Buddhist-Christian Communication
A Study in the Construction of Meaning

John D'Arcy May

There is no lack of phenomenological literature on both Buddhism and Christianity, nor of theological literature on the «dialogue» between them. There is need, however, of a theory of communication between such communities of belief. Analyses of Buddhist and Christian canonical texts reveal the linguistic patterns underlying the «construction» of meaning in the earliest communities; a theory of consensus formation provides a broader framework for understanding the development and interaction of social meaning systems; and in this framework the problems posed by Buddhist-Christian communication are formulated and analysed.

Philosophie der Nondualität

FabianPhilosophie der Nondualität
Religionshistorische Einordnung und philosophische Kritik der Buddhismusinterpretation David R. Loys

Fabian Völker

David R. Loy gehört zu den derzeit renommiertesten buddhistischen Denkern mit westlichem Hintergrund. Mit seiner an unterschiedliche religiöse Traditionen anknüpfenden Philosophie der Nondualität beansprucht Loy eine interreligiöse Grundlage, auf der er zugleich eine auf die konkreten Herausforderungen der Gegenwart abzielende Sozial- und Umweltethik etabliert. Neben einer chronologischen Einführung in das Leben und Werk Loys bietet das Buch auch eine umfassende systematische Analyse seines Denkens.